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What is Atlas Games and what is its work?

In order to enter new versions of jobs into Blockchain and Metaverse such as esports and creating new games, and also for the purpose of combining them so that they work together Atlas Games Company has developed modern ways of play to earn, NFT marketplace, etc. during covid-19 pandemic by a professional four-member team.

What has Atlas Games done by creating dedicated platform and Token Blades?

Atlas Games has designed a very strong infrastructure named comprehensive earnings in this lucrative industry (gaming industry), so that through it more individuals can earn money along with having fun.

How many esports gamers are there in the world?

Universally, there are about 2.7 billion gamers in the world.

How much does the gaming industry generate?

In 2020, the gaming industry generated $155 billion in revenue, by 2025, analysts predict the industry will generate more than $260 billion in revenue which is more than annual revenue of some countries and is something unbelievable.

Does Atlas Games Company want to achieve better records in the gaming industry?

Atlas Games will definitely improve the records with the help of those who seek progress in life.

What is Boc Market?

Boc market is a market for communities who can use Tokens to buy and sell goods, services, and NFTs. We have provided some investment packages for gamers, people who are active in digital marketing, digital artists, and sponsors who are inseparable members of esports. You can increase the value of your properties and generate double daily income by staking your blades.

How do Boc NFT Makers work?

Designers and artists in gaming industry can change their works into digital NFTs and show them to the gamers all around the world (It is a special exhibition!). They can sell their works and earn money.

Does Atlas Games have any designs for these NFTs?

Professional designers in Atlas Games offer various albums in different styles, which players can easily get the valuable NFTs by playing for free or they can buy, sell, and keep the NFTs.

What is Boc Esports?

“Boc Esports” is a platform on which gamers can compete individually or play as a team, along with granted earning money.

How can gamers generate revenue by playing video games on Atlas Games platform?

You can participate in daily events such as pubG Mobile, COD Mobile, and Clash Royale; and earn money! Some games including Fifa, Efootball22, Badland Brawl, Apex Legends, Hearthstone, etc will be added to our games library.

What is BOC Education?

We discuss how to earn money with Blockchain – a database which stores information electronically in digital format. We will make you well prepared for what may happen in the near future, so that you will be able to have foresight to make better decisions for the future.

How does Play to Earn Algorithm work?

At the present time, there are some digital currencies which are popular with many gamers in the blockchain gaming industry to earn money through play-to-earn algorithms since they allow gamers to purchase their in-game assets. These assets are Tokens which can be traded in operating systems outside of the game, and you can also earn money by playing in the digital currency market through the play to earn algorithm.

Is there a need to buy the assets which are designed by the developers in Atlas Games?

No. There is no need to buy the assets which are designed by the developers in Atlas Games. Whenever you want, you can transfer your blades to your wallet. In most gaming projects if you do not keep up playing the game, all your assets, in that game, will go back to the original creator, whereas in Atlas Games your assets will be yours even if you decide not to play a certain game.

Is every single gamer able to earn money on Atlas Games platform?

Yes! All different types of gamers including professional ones and even the ones who play with their friends for fun have equal opportunities to earn money. Apart from the ranks that gamers achieve in each competition, they will get blades in each tournament.    

Does Atlas Games have any plans for esports tournaments?

Yes! All gamers including professionals and those who play with their friends just for fun, have the same ability to earn money.

How can spectators watch esports tournaments?

Almost all esports tournaments, which are held all around the world, can be followed through streaming websites. Most of these tournaments are shown in huge brilliantly designed stadiums which are equipped with special visual and sound effects for the purpose of riveting spectators’ attention and persuading them come to watch the tournaments in the atmosphere of stadiums. Live streaming links of Atlas Games matches are available on the game page and the spectators can watch the games on Youtube and Twitch.

What is Atlas Games Arcade?

Atlas Games developer team is developing 10 multiplayer and single player video games for its users. You can play these games on various electronic devices such as smartphones and computers for free.

How can you earn money (by playing) on Atlas Games Arcade?

There are some formulas for getting trophies for each and every game and you can easily achieve Blades Trophy by playing. These trophies are directly connected to Atlas Games website with API and when each game is finished, they will be transferred to the main website.

How do you compete in Atlas Games arcade?

Single player games with different difficulty levels such as easy, normal, hard, and extreme will have new stage updates. You can try the updated stages every weekend and based on your score and rate, you can get a share of that week’s Prize Pool. [The total amount of money that is distributed among the winners in a tournament.]

The same as other esports games, multiplayer games will take place as tournaments by Atlas Games and the organizers.

What is NFT Token?

NFT token is a special type of cryptographic token, which cannot be duplicated; NFT tokens are mostly as non-fungible tokens which are used in gaming and digital collectibles.

What is Atlas Games’ plan for NFTs?

Every month or season, Atlas Games will release its various NFT albums. These NFTs are valued based on quantity and quality. At the moment, four types of NFTs are planned, namely legendary, epic, rare, and ordinary.

How is it possible to earn NFTs?

The marketplaces where Atlas Games sells products or services to its customers are suitable places to trade. Atlas Games will donate NFTs and blades to the players through holding daily tournaments and will creating added value for customers.

What is Metaverse?

The word “metaverse” is derived from the prefix “meta” (= beyond) and the stem “verse” (= the universe). Metaverse is a superior world which is developing the world, thanks to technology. Dealing with metaverse can be a great adventure!

Who are Atlas Games team members?

Atlas Games team consists of talented, professional, and motivated members who are experts in different fields including programming, blockchain, project management, graphic design, and (last but not the least) gaming. They all work on various previously planned and scheduled programs.

What is the gaming panel?

A fully personalized panel for steamers, gamers etc. is being designed and prepared as an application to be available and accessible for the public.

Apart from what is your favorite kind of games, you can easily organize all types of leagues or tournaments including Battle Royale, single-elimination, and double-elimination.

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